In today's age, ears are one of the most abused sense organs and we often tend to take them for granted.
As a result, ear problems are on the rise. Not only this, if you often suffer from stiffness in the neck, jaws, headaches, nervous disorders, weak bones or you find it difficult to balance your body, you need to start taking care of your ears. In this video, we will run through the worst and the best daily habits and some easy and highly effective practices that will keep your ears and related organs healthy for long. So without any further delay, let's know it.
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Hello friends, welcome to Health Information By Zargar Inaam. Let us first understand why ear health is important.
As commonly believed, ears are not isolated organs only for hearing. They are closely connected to the brain, neck, sinuses, mouth and bones. There are many signs that suggest so. Ringing, buzzing or roaring in the ears after hearing a loud noise suggests a weak hearing bar. Stiffness in the neck, jaws, poor oral health, trouble in speaking, incapability to balance the body, dizziness when trying to stand on one leg, heading due to noise, no deficiency, yet weak bones, nervous disorders, drainage of fluid, irritation to loud noises is your body's way of saying take care of your ears.
According to WHO 1 in 4 people is projected to have hearing problems by 2050, and the major causes exposure to loud noises. It could be due to listening to loud music or working in a noisy environment. But how does noise cause hearing loss? The ear is made up of three parts that work together to process sounds. The outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The inner ear contains tiny hair cells. These hair cells help send some messages to the brain. Loud noise can damage these hair cells. Over time as more and more hair cells get damaged, hearing capability gets worse and worse. Apart from loud noise, excessive use of earphones, long phone conversations, regular use of cotton swabs, un caringly poking fingers, and rubbing the ears, stress, smoking and alcohol, they all lead to the problems of the year.
Tips to Protect the Ears
Certainly, we can take measures to protect the ears. Whenever you receive a phone call in private, use loudspeaker mode. For long phone conversations, use ear plugs and keep the volume at not more than 60% of the maximum. In fact, we should accustom ourselves to hearing at low volumes. If your work nature is such that you have to work in a noisy environment, you should always keep ear plugs handy with yourself. Easily available at any chemist's shop, this pocket friendly device has been a boon for the years. Simply roll, plug it in, and work peacefully.
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How to Clean Ears
Ears are a self-cleaning organ. There is no need to be paranoid about cleaning the earwax every now and then. In fact, earwax is extremely important for not only lubrication of the years, but also it protects the years from various problems. So using cotton swabs on a daily basis is a strict no-no.
Safe Ways to Clean Ears at Home
There are other safe ways to clean the excessive wax. Ayurveda considers the ears to be a primary bath organ which is closely related to the bone tissue layer and nervous tissue layer. Ayurveda provides an easy practice for ear care that literally takes a few seconds to complete and is helpful in curbing most disorders of the ear.
Ear Oiling
This practice is recommended in Irvine scriptures to such an extent that if a person does not have enough time for body massage, he or she should at least oil the three body parts, the head, the inside of the ears, and the souls of the week. Certainly there are levels to it depending on individual needs.
Level one
If you are currently facing no problems with the ear and would like to keep them that way for long. You should just do this. Every morning after taking a bath, first gently clean the eye or ear with a cotton cloth. Then using your index finger, gently apply a little pure pull pressed oil in each of your ears. It could be mustard or sesame oil. This will not only keep the problems at bay, but also you would notice ear wax coming off easily. This follows the principle that oil has the ability to attach with itself dirt particles.
Level two
If you swim regularly or you often suffer from ear infections or ear pain or your ears are often exposed to loud noises, you should do Karna Prati Sarnam using garlic oil. Most year infections are viral and thus remain untreated by antibiotics. That's where garlic oil, which is known for its antibacterial and antiviral effects is so useful. To make it in a band, take about 50 ML of coal pressures of meal oil. To this, put two clothes of garlic peeled from its bulb and skin, then found on a non-porous surface in the oil. Let them cook on low flame until garlic turns drowned ash. Strain the garlic and let the oil cool down to a warm temperature. Recheck the temperature of the oil before putting it in the years. Now dip cotton in the oil and apply to the first centimeter of the ear opening. Keep the oil handy for future use and every time before using, place the bottle in hot water to warm it up. Doing this before bedtime at night, two to three times a week is sufficient.
Level three
Level three is for the one who is suffering from major problems, not just with the ear, but also the related organs like neck, brain, and physiological imbalance. Karnapurana is a time tested ancient ritual for reestablishing harmony in the year. Karna is the sanskrit word for ear and Purana means to fill. The technique involves heating the oil and then cooling it to a warm temperature. Then pour this warm, clean, pure cold pressed sesame oil into the outer ear canal and let it absorb for about 15 minutes. The oil is then cleaned off by sitting up and facing the other side so that the oil directly drains out and not into the sinuses. Pouring can be done using a gauze, sterilized cotton, or a clean spoon. It is the best way to draw water out of the ears. In fact, in certain cases, bubbles start to emerge from the oil indicating excess air or water.
Karnapurana has a deeply grounding effect and is recommended before sleeping. It can be done once a month by anybody and more often for patients. Provided there is no tear in the eardrum and no problem of drainage of fluid from the ear. Since it is an advanced practice, it is generally advised in the presence of someone. Sometimes garlic oil or other medicated oils are also used as per the advice of higher-quality practitioners.
Even though modern medical science does not suggest oiling the ears, Ayurveda is firm that the Karnapurana is effective in reversing the most serious of problems. For best results, before doing Karnapratisarnum and Karnapurana it is advised to gently massage our ears.
Apart from oiling the ears, breathing exercises like Bhramari and Anulom vilom are amazing for the ear health. Sarvangasana and Parvatasana help cure tennits.
Just to recap, apart from loud noise, certain daily habits damage the years. Be conscious and act if your body shows any of these signs. Take measures to improve the health of your ears. Ayurveda considers ear oiling to be the best practice to keep ear problems in check.
Level one treatment can be done daily. First clean rider ears with cotton and apply coal pressed oil with fingers.
Level two that is Karnapurana can be done two to three times a week. Apply warm garlic oil in each of your years.
Level three that is Karnapratisarnum is an advanced practice to be done once a month or as suggested by an Arabic practitioner. Fill each ear cavity with warm, clean, pure sesame oil and let it absorb for 15 minutes.
Ears are not just for the hearing, their health impacts other organs as well. So it's time we start listening to them.
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