How can you fulfill the daily need for vitamins and minerals through common foods, and that to more effectively and at a fraction of the price, that's what this blog post is all about. So without any further delay, let's know it.
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Hello Friends, Welcome to Health Information By Zargar Inaam. Out of the many vitamins and minerals, I have selected the ones which are most popular and essential.
1. Let's begin with DHT Blocker
One of the major reasons for receiving hair lines in men and hair thinning in women is caused by the excess of a sex hormone called dihydro testosterone. Although DHT has tasks to perform in the body, but when in excess, it interferes with the hair's growth cycle, shrinking and shortening the hair follicles causing hair to fall out. It is a common cause and the sight of receding hairline makes one think I must supplement with DHT blockers. Although depending just on DHT blockers supplements is like turning off an emergency alarm. It doesn't solve the problem, only hides it. If you just tap the root cause, your body will make sure that the excess DHT'S block. All you need to do is reduce the consumption of refined foods and switch to whole foods in general, and your body will switch from producing more DHT to block DHT mode. Arm lies a rich source of polyphenols that aid in blocking DHT. Since Aloevera juice is another potent DHT blocker. Four teaspoons of Aloevera Juice with four teaspoons of Amla mixed with a little water, 30 minutes before breakfast can do wonders. The good old Haldi wala doodh with little black pepper is another proven DHT blocker. So try any of these and block DHT naturally.
2. Magnesium
Although magnesium has various functions to perform in our body, its major role is to take care of her heart. In fact, in 80 percent of heart attacks, the efficiency of magnesium is being found. Magnesium is food for your arteries, it maintains heart rhythm and controls blood pressure. But to mindlessly pop magnesium tablets, thinking that your heart health will improve is to get the wrong end of the steak. Magnesium and taken in trace amounts works wonders. But if overdosed, it can reduce the blood pressure extremely low. So how to know if we have magnesium deficiency?
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Trust your body if you often wake up in the morning with a stiffness in your muscles, if you feel tired throughout the day, if cramps are a common affair, if high blood pressure is relatable to you. But buying synthetic magnesium pills, which don't even mention the source of magnesium is a trap. So what causes magnesium deficiency? Our body loses magnesium when we consume synthetic calcium tablets. If you have diuretics like alcohol and aerated drinks in your daily diet, you are more likely to be magnesium deficient. To naturally increase magnesium, consume a lot of greens. Yes, just as our blood is red because it has hemoglobin, the green color of vegetables is due to chlorophyll whose central atom is magnesium. Pumpkin seeds and most other nuts are high in magnesium. Add poor millet and little millet to the list of your greens to get that extra magnesium. The traditional recipe of Till and Jaggery Ludus is a sweet supplement that can beat most magnesium pills on the market. So be smart and go green. At number three is glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant which is marketed as the magic bullet for pigmentation and skin white-neck. Today there are tons of glutathione supplements in the form of injections, pills and creams, each promising a spotless farer scan.
But before you spend your hard earned money on them, know if your body really needs it. The companies don't want you to know that this master antioxidant is naturally present in every cell of your body, and that your liver is capable enough of predicting it. However, when the liver gets overloaded with toxins, it compromises its function of producing glutathione. But the question arises,
Do these pills actually make you fair?
Well, research says that the chances of someone getting fairer due to glutathione supplementation is less than 10%, and the worse so, the effect will be gone once you stop consuming them. Also, the glutathione tablets get properly absorbed in the bloodstream, which is why side effects like skin rashes, liver damage, thyroid, HID malfunction and abdominal pain are common. We must understand that the purpose of natural glutathione in our body is not just cosmetic, but it has numerous other important functions like DNA repair, detoxification and cell growth. So is there a way to increase glutathione naturally without damaging the body? Well, simply keep your liver happy, and it will make the best quality of lute at high and possible. Sulfur-rich foods like onions, garlic, curry leaves help the liver make glutathione faster. Research shows that having pomegranate daily increased glutathione production by a warping 22%. Vitamin C rich foods trigger glutathione production. No wonder most glutathione tablets come with vitamin C. So cut the gimmick and embrace nature.
3. Next are the sleeping pills
Have a problem falling asleep, take a sleeping pill. If this advice is thrown at you, don't take it. A sleeping pill might help you dose off instantly, but its side effects are also fairly known. While melatonin, on the other hand, is touted as safe, which is why they are available both in the form of tablets and gummies, but the reality is far from it. Melatonin is a hormone which your pineal gland naturally produces. But when you begin to take it from outside, it stops making it, and then you get dependent on it. This externally consumed melatonin hormone might have side effects like mild anxiety, irritability, reduced alertness or disorientation. The signs of melatonin are simple. Keep the lights off and the penile gland starts manufacturing it. Keep lights on and it stops making it. So if you keep the gadgets away one hour before sleeping and make the room dark, the highest quality melatonin will be produced without any side effects. Ayurvedic scriptures suggest that if one consumes heat at night, the combination of rice and milk with a natural sweetener produces such a calming effect that one sleeps like a baby. Saffron milk at night is another research-backed food for deep sleep. So avoid the supplement first, keep calm and sleep well.
4. Last on the list is Vitamin D
Living in a tropical country like India, where the sun shines all through the year, the fact that 76% of people are vitamin D deficient is quite concerning. It is due to vitamin D deficiency that problems like body pains, depression, low immunity and muscle weakness have become so common. Wait, before you pop that pill, know that the reality is that our body fails to absorb synthetic vitamin D and flushes it out through your head. A common side effect of daily consumption of vitamin D tablets is that it excessively increases calcium in the body, which can lead to calcification of the arteries, kidney and gold bladder stones. Sunlight, no doubt, is the purest and readily absorbable form of vitamin D for the body. Most people hardly expose more than 10% of their body to the sun. To get vitamin D from the sun fast, expose your navel and back for at least five, five minutes each, regularly for a few days and you will be amazed to see the results. Mushrooms absorb vitamin D from the sun very effectively. Research shows that if you keep mushrooms in sunlight for just one hour before cooking, an increase of 1,000 international units (IU) can be seen and this grows proportionally. This makes mushrooms a way more important supplement than any other. These Indian cow breeds have a special nerve called the Surya Ketu Nadi, which absorbs vitamin D from the sun, giving a yellow tinge to its milk. Having just two teaspoons of A2 Desi cow ghee daily will help amp up the vitamin D levels. Unless you are looking for expensive urine, stick to sunlight, mushrooms, and A2 milk products?
Well, it is clear that the supplementation industry thrives on our poor lifestyle habits. If you eat healthy, have an active lifestyle and take proper rest, you need not fall for these trending supplements online. Of course, if prescribed by a doctor, you can take them. India is indeed blessed to produce so many varieties of grains, lentils, seasonal fruits and vegetables that it's time we stop depending on these pills and turn to real foods.
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